Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Neil Versus EuroTrash. . .They Nearly Come To Blows

When we got to the museum, the place was packed.  We dutifully got in line so Sam could get the tickets.  Two guys from another bus -- not sure where they are from, but they looked and acted like EuroTrash, so probably Europe -- decided to push their way through to join their group ahead of us. 

Instead of politely asking to be let through, they pushed Neil and Mary in the back.  Well, Neil didn't take kindly to it, and pushed the one guy back and told him to cut it out.

Well, EuroTrash #2 stepped back, then ran up and pushed his way through again.  To underscore his total EuroTrash jerkiness, he was smoking despite smoking not allowed in the line.  Our man Sam reported him to the police.  EuroTrash dude was pretty unrepentant, even when being questioned by security.

No actual punches were thrown, but even though he's twice the age and half the height of the Eurotrash punk, my money would have been on Neil to win that fight.

The whole contretemps ended with them shaking hands and Mr. Eurotrash offering a half-hearted apology.  All he would have had to do was ask to be let through to join his group, but instead he chose the asshole approach.

So anyhow, if you make it to the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities before it closes and the new one open, look for the plaque that has been placed there, commemorating the affair that almost came to blows.

Editor: Really?  Writer: What do you think?  

Editor: I think everything is true except the plaque.  Writer: The incident deserves a plaque, that's all I'm going to say. 

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