Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Saqqara (Sakarra) Steps Up

Our first stop in Saqqara was at the dramatic stepped Pyramid of Djoser, which is the earliest colossal stone building in ancient Egypt, and is noted by some as the oldest large stone building in the world.  He reigned as King of both Upper and Lower Egypt sometime around 2700 BC.

It is believed that the pyramid started out as a mastaba, but then the architect or the king decided to add layers on to it.  

We were able to walk all the way around it, even dealing with a whipping wind that sometimes stopped us dead in our tracks (don't worry, we weren't actually dead).

There is also walls around the pyramid, and steps up to views of other pyramids.  There were folks with camels to ride or pose with -- Carol and I avoided that mess.

The step pyramid at Saqqara is pretty dramatic.
Remember, it is the largest/oldest manmade
colossal stone building in the world.

Other pyramids, not Giza.

I think he was sizing me up to spit.
I told him I would spit back, so
he deferred.  I simply had to get over
the hump with him.

Sakarra selfie.  Nothing but desert
for thousands of miles.

Last Egypt four person selfie. 
Fittingly in front of the
Step Pyramid.

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