Friday, February 17, 2023

Jerash Photos

There's a lot of photos here, but as you know, I could show many columns of photos featuring columns.  Every one of these photos is amazing.  And there are a lot of good ones I didn't include (which is true of most of the posts.)

The Hippodrome entrance, where
they raced Chariots of Fire.

Osama's home town, up on
the mountain.  With snow.

Hadrian's Gate, built for the
Emperor's visit in 129 AD.
It is 36 feet high and features
a triple gate.

You guess it -- it's all Greek to me!

From left to right -- Neil, 
Tom, Mo, Flo, and Mary.

Columns along a major street.

Olive oil press stone wheel.

The grand Oval Plaza.

Columns along the Cardio, the main
route through Roman Jerash.

Flag of Jordan, caught mid-wind gust.

Cardio -- the higher columns indicate 
an important building.

Groove in the stone caused
by chariot wheels.

The higher columns to the right
indicate the entrance to a Temple
or important building.

The Macellum/Market.

Mary at the butcher's shop.
His cutting table still has
knife marks in it.

The Nymphaeum, a large
fountain similar to Trevi.

The north gates.

Columns at the Temple of Artemis.

Another view of the Temple of Artemis,
the most important temple in the city.

The ancient church.

The South Theater.

The city of 1,000 columns.

The Oval Plaza from above.

Bagpiper and drummers.  Yes, I tipped
them.  Hearing them play in the 
South Theater was special.

The Oval Plaza from the Temple of Apollo.

One last spectacular Oval Plaza picture.

1 comment:

Alan Peterson said...

Cool pics. Thanks for sharing