Sunday, February 5, 2023

To Market, To Market

After the Falucca, Sam took anyone who wanted to go through the Aswan market.  Most everybody on the trip went.

The highlight was a visit to a store specializing in spices.  Let's face it, spice markets make the best markets.  There were plenty of other types of stores, but the spice markets are the tops.  We got to smell many spices, taste some peanuts and other stuff.  Many of us bought things as we enjoyed a good store where Sam trusted the owners.

Back on the street, we were not badgered to buy stuff by as many people as I expected, so our visit was actually pleasant.  

Variety is the spice of life!
Editor: Wow, that's original
thinking on your part!

I couldn't convince anyone
to taste one of the red dates.

That's what I have named "pillow bread."
It is now my favorite bread!

Sam says Egypt has the tastiest dates.

Tuk tuks are cool, although dangerous
to the health of pedestrians.

A side street off the market.

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