Wednesday, February 8, 2023

The Tomb of Ramesses III

The first tomb Carol and I visited was Ramesses III.  We were blown away by the multitudes of carvings, hieroglyphics, reliefs, as well as the colors.
As Bart Simpson would say,
"Don't have a cow, man."

The God Horus.

Who's a good doggie?

Bird on the wing, and bright
yellow hair for the dude.

Ramesses III died 1156 BC.  That's 
3,179 years this incredible 
color has lasted.  Whoa.
(Your reminder that "Whoa"
is the only proper spelling
of the word, "Whoa."
That is all, for now.

Snakes with more than one head were
bad news in the afterlife, threats for
the deceased to overcome.  I must
note that running into three-headed
snakes is pretty scary even today.

The god on the left is Sobek, god of
the crocodiles.  Like they need 
their own god.


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