Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Photos From Luxor Temple

 There's a lot of them, so hang on. . .

The tallest obelisk, and the entry pylon.
Note the people by the statues.  Those
statues are huge and yet the pylon
walls tower over the statues!

The late afternoon light
allowed for some
interesting photos.

The Avenue of the Sphinxes.  There is another
line of Sphinxes on the other side of the avenue.

Hieroglyphics abound.

Along with hieroglyphics, I will also
always post photos of columns.

The mosque entrance, orginally
at silt ground level.

Wax on, wax off.

The west side of the pylons and obelisk.

The minaret and the moon.

Carving of a Nubian.

I see a bad moon rising.

Not a bad shot of the moon.

This sphinx is famous for the
palm tree growing out of the
head.  Oh, wait, never mind.

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