Sunday, February 12, 2023

Our Final Stop In Luxor

Late afternoon, we hit the Luxor Museum.  I thought about not going to take a rest after the early balloon morning and going to Karnak, but decided I didn't want to miss the treasures the museum may have contained.  

It was worth the trip, even if the entry process was totally botched by the museum.  You shouldn't have to wait 30 minutes to enter, but there we were.

The new look Madonna was
actually going for.  In the words
of  Maxwell Smart, she
"missed it by that much." 
Actually Akhenaten.

The detail is incredible.

The new buddy movie between a king
and his crocodile god friend.  
Working title: "Sobek and Friends."

Old socks.  They probably smell 
better than mine when I was age 12.

Early detailed plan of a temple.

Amenhotep III

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