Friday, February 17, 2023

Roman Around Amman

After the vegetable market, we wound our way through some more streets to the Roman Nymphaeum (fountain) in Amman.  Built in the 2nd Century AD, it's kind of in rough shape, or as Wikipedia gently calls it, "partially preserved."

To be fair, work is being done to restore it, and that takes money, time, and effort.  The pool was estimated to be 600 square meters, which totals nearly 6500 feet.  Whoa.

The Nyphaeum.

From there we went to Roman Theatre, which is in far better shape.  Also built in the 2nd Century AD, the theatre held as many as 6,000 spectators.  It's got a "microphone" that helped elevate the sound to the further reaches of the theatre.

It's at the foot of a hill opposite the Amman Citadel.  You'll see a picture I took in the Citadel post of the Theatre from above.  The Theatre is still used, including for a concert by an American rapper in 2019.  

Editor: You forgot to mention which rapper.  Writer: It's rap, ergo I don't care:

Here's photos from the walk to the Theatre and at the Theatre:

Public art.

Helps you know which way to go.

Amman is built on many hills.

A capital work of public art.

The theatre is right in the middle of downtown Amman, which makes sense, as cities are built on existing cities.
As you can tell from the selfie,
the weather was still cold.

Another theatre selfie.

The theatre.

The group -- (from left:) Neil, Mary,
Osama, Mo, Flo Tom, and Carol.

Neil vowed to stay until
the next rap concert.
He's still there, waiting,
but at least he has a
great seat for it.

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