Sunday, February 12, 2023

Our next stop was at a Papyrus Institute in Luxor.  I don't have a lot of background information on it, because the Papyrus Institute in Luxor is on the West Bank of the Nile, near the Colossi of Memnon, and we went to one in the city of Luxor on the East Bank of the river.

It's okay, it was of modest interest to me, so I don't have much to write.  We had a nice presentation on the history of Papyrus, and how it is used.  We bought a small framed Tree of Life on papyrus.  Others bought larger, more substantive things.  We just don't have a lot of space for art on our walls.  There certainly were plenty of good options to choose from.

That's it.  That's the post.

The papyrus plant.  The
government has worked
 hard to establish these
institutes and bring
papyrus back.

They passed several examples around.


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