Sunday, February 5, 2023

Trajan's Kiosk

Also on the island, right next to the Philae Temple complex, is Trajan's Kiosk.  A smaller, unfinished monument believed to have been built by Trajan, the Roman emperor from 98 to 117 AD, because he is depicted pharaoh on some of the reliefs inside.

The majority of the structure, however, dates to an earlier time, believed to be during the reign of Augustus.  The kiosk was also built on Philae before being transferred to Agilkia island.

By the way, Aswan and its surroundings are still considered to be Upper Egypt, which of course means it is in the south of Egypt.  (The difference between Upper and Lower Egypt is hard to remember -- it's just the opposite of what we think it should be).

There are fourteen columns, and it once had a wooden roof.  In case you are wondering, the kiosk does not sell snacks, drinks, tickets, or anything else you would expect from a modern day kiosk, so I'm not even sure how it earned the name "kiosk."  (It's also true if you are NOT wondering.)

Trajan's kiosk.  Nothing for sale.

View from the door from the kiosk.

The original Catwoman.  She's no Eartha Kitt.

The rest of these photos are 
from the Philae Temples.

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