Wednesday, February 8, 2023

The Tomb of Ramesses IX

Without question, we saved the worst for last.  Look, if we had gone into Ramesses IX first, we would have been impressed.  But we didn't, and we weren't.  Skip it if you go, as it lacks the pizazz of the other tombs.  But it was still a Pharaoh's tomb, and thus ranks fifth on the list of tombs we've been to in our lives.

Editor; You keep a list?  Of tombs?

Writer: Um, no, actually.  I was hoping you weren't going to call me on it!  Let's just get to the pictures and move on.

(Yup, from SNL's glory days)

For Just A Dollar A Day, You Can 
Join The Ramesses IX Gym

"Hot yoga with med balls included as part
of your membership in The Ramesses IX
Gym.  Don't you want to look like a 
Pharaoh, or a Queen!"
(Get me Morrie, of Morrie's wigs
to do the voiceover, stat!)

"Snake Farm, it just sounds nasty, 
Snake Farm, well it pretty much is."

Do you know how many rows of 
hieroglyphics we saw across five
tombs?  Yeah, us neither.

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