Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Something Unexpected: James Earl Jones in the Desert

As the sun was going down over Abu Simbel, we headed back to the temples for the English sound and light show at night.  

The wild thing is that James Earl Jones was the voice of the main actor.  We did not know the other voices, but we certainly knew Darth Vader when we heard him.

(Fond memory aside: My first Shakespeare play, I went with a friend in college to see "Othello" starring James Earl Jones and Christopher Plummer in D.C.  I've never seen another play with TWO such great actors since, so maybe I peaked too soon.  It was pretty impressive!).

The sound and light show wasn't my cup of tea, but a number of folks on the tour enjoyed it immensely.  My favorite part was at the end when they lit the statues up in their entirety and I was able to get a couple of good photos.  I'm NOT whining, on every trip there is something that is not a highlight.  Given how many highlights we had in the first two full days of the trip, the batting average for the trip is pretty high!

Nefertari's Temple at night.

Ramesses II at night.

Another Ramesses II,
also at night!

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